Kanikama: Populárny materiál v sushi

is the Japanese name for imitation crab, which is processed fish meat, and sometimes called crab sticks or ocean sticks. Je to populárna prísada, ktorá sa bežne vyskytuje v kalifornských sushi rolkách, krabových koláčoch a krabích rangúnoch.

Čo je Kanikama (imitácia kraba)?
- aj keď si to neuvedomil. It's the sticks of fake crab meat that's often used in the popular California roll. Also called imitation crab, kanikama is used as a crab substitute and made from surimi, which is a fish paste. The fish is first deboned and minced to make a paste, then it's flavored, colored and reformed into flakes, sticks or other shapes.


Ako chutí kanikama?

Obajaand real crab have the same level of calories, about 80-82 calories in one serving (3oz). Avšak 61 % kalórií kanikama pochádza zo sacharidov, pričom 85 % kalórií z kraba kráľovského pochádza z bielkovín, vďaka čomu je skutočný krab lepšou voľbou pre nízkosacharidovú alebo keto diétu.

Z čoho je Kanikama vyrobená?

or imitation crab is precooked, and you can use it straight from the package. Existuje niekoľko typov podľa tvaru:
1.Krabie tyčinky-najbežnejší tvar. It's a “crab leg style” kanikama which looks like sticks or sausages. The outside edges are tinted red to resemble crab. Imitation crab sticks are usually used in California sushi roll or sandwich wraps.


tastes best when it's not further cooked, as heating it too much destroys the taste and texture. One of the most popular uses is as the filling in California sushi rolls (see the photo below). Dá sa použiť aj do sushi. However, it can still be used as an ingredient in cooked dishes and I recommend adding it in the final stage to minimize the cooking process.


Čas odoslania: Jan-09-2025